“Smart City. State of the art and research perspectives”. The book by Renata Paola Dameri and Monica Bruzzone, Spoke 1

Since the term Smart City was adopted, it has always indicated a multidimensional and multidisciplinary concept.
This is why the University of Genoa organizes an internal conference every year to create collaboration and discussion between professors and researchers from the various disciplines working on the topic of the Smart City, albeit from different perspectives.
Starting in 2022, interdisciplinarity has been increased by collaborations within the scope of RAISE’s Spoke 1, which concerns Urban technologies, or the application of innovative technologies to pursue individual and collective well-being in the urban context.
The book “Smart City. State of the art and research perspectives”, edited by Paola Dameri and Monica Bruzzone, collects in the form of an essay a selection of contributions presented in the interdisciplinary conference “Smart City. State of the art and research perspectives” (University of Genoa, June 26, 2023), organized as part of Spoke 1.

Reading the essays reveals the state of the art on the topic, highlights research excellence, and lays the foundations for a comparison between the different disciplinary fields that deal with Smart Cities with particular reference to the relationships with the new frontiers of Artificial Intelligence.
The book is available in bookstores and in Open Access e-book format a this link.
A presentation of the book’s contents will take place during the second edition of the Smart City Conference, scheduled for February 20 in Genoa.
The program on the UniGe website.
Cover Image
Smart City. Image co-created with AI
AI photo creator: Monica Bruzzone (UniGe), with Microsoft Copilot
Credits: UniGe and RAISE