RAISE Knowledge Transfer Entrepreneurship Academy: an open dialogue between research and the market

On october 28, Nicoletta Buratti, Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management at the University of Genoa, and Maria Carmela Basile, Head of the Research Valorization Unit of the National Research Council, spoke on the stage of the RAISE Village with a talk entitled “RAISE KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER & ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACADEMY: an open dialogue between research and the market”.
During the talk, the RAISE Academy project was illustrated, a training initiative aimed at all researchers in the Ecosystem, and at all interested doctoral students, even outside RAISE, who wish to expand their knowledge on the topics of technology transfer, protection and valorisation of research results, deep-tech entrepreneurship and innovation management.
The training course, designed and developed as part of RAISE’s Spoke5 activities, is aimed at strengthening skills for the development of business ideas and technology transfer paths, based on the results of the research conducted in the vertical Spokes.
“I believe that it is very important to talk about training in a context as the RAISE Village, within the Science Festival, because training is complementary to all the activities relating to the valorisation of research and technological transfer, which are the specific object of the RAISE programme. Economists teach us that investments in training contribute to increasing the impact of investments in innovation: this implies that, if we want innovation, leaving the world of research, to reach the market successfully, it is necessary to train the right skills to enhance, transfer, create an innovative business. Equally important, however, are initiatives aimed at raising awareness among potential users of innovation (be they businesses or individuals) towards the advantages offered by new products and services. Innovation, in fact, generates results – from an economic and social point of view – to the extent that it is effectively internalized both in company processes and in people’s lifestyle habits. For this reason, in addition to the Academy project that we presented today, the RAISE Training Plan includes other training projects, oriented towards specific targets within the regional ecosystem, with the aim of contributing to training the skills necessary to transfer, enhance, create business and use innovation” commented Nicoletta Buratti, Coordinator of the RAISE Training Program.